Tip O’Texas, a Wilder Park
written by Nancy
I have been seeing lots of articles about people retiring in South or Central America, where their retirement money will go much farther. This makes a lot of sense. But I did not realize that there are opportunities right here in the gool ol’ USA where you can retire and live the good life on a surprisingly affordable budget.
Since my in-laws moved to Tip O’Texas they have been involved with senior Olympics, kitchen band, parties, card games, cruises, concerts, plays, mermaids, water volleyball, karaoke, etc. We no longer worry about them driving on icy roads or shoveling the driveway in below zero temperatures. Now the biggest problem is trying to catch them by phone because they have such busy schedules. Doesn’t that sound like the ideal retirement?

The perks of the park:
The beautiful outdoor pool is one of our favorite places. You can enjoy visiting with neighbors, reading a book, and soaking up the sun, then cool off in the pool. This is also the location of many pool parties.
The outdoor hot tub is popular in the winter and in the cooler evenings.
Indoor pool and hot tub. Enjoy a rousing game of water volley ball.
The Main Hall is the location of weekly dances and meetings.
The sewing room even has storage lockers for your stuff. Quilting anyone?
There is a library full of books and puzzles and computers.
The pool room.
There are tennis courts, shuffle board courts, and volleyball courts.
There is a pretty little courtyard with fountain and rose garden near the pool.
The exercise room has aerobic equipment as well as weight machines and massage chairs.
There are nightly games for anyone who wants to join. Games include: Samba, Up and Down the River, Mexican Train, Bridge, Poker, Rummy, Cribbage, Mahjong, Hearts, Euchre, and Pinochle, to name a few.
The fully stocked wood working shop is where Dave would like to spend his time.
There are so many activities offered, I cannot possibly remember them all, but I will list a few to give you an idea.
- Senior Olympics
- movie groups
- Trips to concerts and plays
- Dances and lessons
- potlucks
- Holiday parties
- Karaoke
- Painting
- Lapidary shop
- Valley wide orchestra and chorus
- Stained glass classes
- Bus trips
- Catamaran trips at South Padre Island
- Biking groups
- Arts and Craft shows
- Tasty Thursday: Check out different area restaurants
- Spanish classes
- Singles support group
- Senior exercises
- Kitchen Band
- Chili cook off
- Casino night
- Water exercise classes
- Weekly jam sessions
- Mermaids: synchronized swimming
- Line dancing
- Jewelry making classes
- and much more
*A few activities require a small fee, such as the catamaran excursions or bus tours, etc.
A couple other bonuses I wanted to mention: this is citrus area so fresh lemons, grapefruit, oranges, and mangos, are plentiful. Also, Costco is only a few miles away. Nearby golf courses are a popular activity as well as fishing.
This place is bustling during the winter between November through April. This is why they are called the winter Texans. Many people buy a second home here and come south for the winter. Some people prefer to live here year around. Properties range in price from about $7000 on up. Lot rent for a year round renter is $272/month. For people who come for 6 months of the year, it is $462/month, and the price changes for shorter time frames. This lot rent includes use of the facilities, access to all the activites, water, sewer, garbage, and yard maintenance. I have included contact information at the bottom of this post. So you can contact the facility directly with any specific questions.
The park is gated with one entrance and an attendant at the gate. It is such a friendly community, that I had no problem letting Luie ride his bike around. He made many new friends and he just loved it. We have enjoyed ourselves so much every time we have gone to visit Dave’s parents. We are thrilled to see them happy and living a full life. The support of this friendly community and the many activities has kept them young. As a matter of fact, it makes us want to retire now!
(click on the Tip O’Texas name above and it will take you directly to their site for more info)
101 East Sioux Rd, Pharr, TX 78577
I’m glad you could experience life down here at TOT. We just love it here!
This is such a friendly, active, fun place to be. People here have become like a second family. But then I am also fortunate enough to have 2 brothers here in the winter and a sister here year around.
Yes, we loved our time there. It felt like one big family, and everyone watched out for each other. A great place to be to keep active and healthy.
Soon to retire sounds like a place worth checking out!
It certainly is! I would recommend planning a 2-4 week trip in the winter. You can rent a place and get away from the winter cold.
Nice to see the last couple of posts as the end of your trip. Is there an age limit at the Resort for a year round renter? thanks for posting.
Thanks Bonnie. In response to your questions, it is an adult park, so no children are allowed (other than when visiting family). But, there are no other age restrictions.