Written by Dave:
Curious Monkeys
On a return visit to ape’s den, the kids wanted to spend some more time with the Barbary apes. We had a good time watching the juvenile monkeys wrestle and run around. They were really quite playful, and were acting just like a group of six to seven year old children. Each time we thought of leaving, this kids begged to stay a bit longer.
We had already spent several hours walking around the rock and I was feeling tired. I squatted down next to the gate to change position while watching the monkeys wrestle around. I noticed one of the monkeys wander over closer to the gate, and jump up on it. Then next thing I knew, she was on my back.

Nancy was quick enough with the camera to catch the picture. You can see the surprised look of the kids as the monkey sat on me. There were signs around that monkeys do bite, so I was not completely at ease with the situation. As the monkey moved around grabbing onto my ears, hair, and backpack for grip, I started to get a bit unnerved. I jumped up to get the monkey off, and she jumped back over to the fence.
The kids were very impressed, chanting “do it again, do it again”, but I decided to pass on the opportunity for now. We did surmise that it was likely the backpack that brought her over, so I offered for Summer to put on the backpack and squat down so she could have the monkey jump on her. She decided to pass on the opportunity also. Luie thought he would like to try, but I didn’t really want the monkey that was nearly his size to jump up on him.
We wandered around to see some of the other monkeys for a while, but the kids kept looking back longingly at the place where the monkey curious about the backpack was still sitting. I decided that it wasn’t all that bad, as it was really more the surprise that caused me to jump. Since I knew what would be coming, I would be more prepared next time.
It is true that there has been an increase in monkey bites, but it is more related to people doing things to antagonize the monkeys, so I decided it should be alright to try again. We set the camera to burst mode, and I got back into position.
Curious Monkey, Take Two
I squatted back down by the fence, and it didn’t take long to get the curious monkey’s attention again. She hopped down off the fence, onto my head. This time I was ready. The hands really feel quite soft, like very soft leather with a slight bit of tackiness. I can really see how they can hold onto things well. It felt funny as she walked around on me. Soon a smaller monkey came over to see what all the excitement was about. It climbed up onto my shoulder also, but after a short scuffle on my back, was run off by the larger one.

I never dreamed I would get to say that I had two monkeys playing king of the mountain on my head and shoulders. I must admit, I did have a difficult time resisting the urge to jump away at that point. My head was walked all over, and various parts of the monkeys came in contact with my head that I would have rather avoided. I decided I would be taking a shower when we got home.
The wrestling match over, I continued sitting there for pictures and the monkey got about her business. It turns out that monkeys are experts at working zippers. It took her no time at all to start going through the various compartments to see what wonderful items she could find.

It didn’t take her long to find Summer’s pashmina scarf that she got from the Three Kings while we were staying in Spain. As she was pulling it out, I decided it was time to stand up, since I didn’t think I would be able to get it back once she got it free. The monkeys don’t really like to have things taken from them.

When I stood up she jumped back up onto the fence. I put the scarf back into the pack and zipped it up. I offered Summer another chance to put on the backpack and see if she could interest the monkey. She still didn’t think she was ready to try it.
It was getting dark, so we decided it was once again time to make our way back down to our apartment. On the way down, the kids were already talking about what was going to happen the next time we came up to see the monkeys. We promised the kids we will return again.
If you ever go to visit the monkeys, and you want a shot with one of them on your back, a backpack appears to draw them in. Just make sure to watch your valuables, as they can go through your pack fairly quick.
What a great experience! You’re brave, Dave. I got bit by one of those buggers once. It hurt! (I wasn’t bothering them, but my room mate next to me did something to make them mad a the mom confused me with her)
Yes, I remember that story of when you were bitten. She seemed fairly mellow, and I really only became concerned when the other monkey came on board. It will be a good memory for all of us.
that is hilarious! I love seeing the kids reactions too. Good writing too. Made me laugh. 🙂
Thanks, it was fun to see the monkeys up close again. They really are curious creatures. The kids got a real kick out of seeing the monkey jump on my back. Nancy’s picture really captured their reactions well. Glad you enjoyed the story. Dave
Fantastic Pictures and Fantastic Bravery! I would have been very nervous, especially with them on my head. That is an experience of a lifetime, for sure.
They are fun, inquisitive creatures. It should be a memory that stays with the kids. That is one of the purposes for the travels, to build memories and experiences. We are loving our time together. Thanks for the comments. Dave
Awesome, that looks like a lot of fun! I’ve heard monkey bites can transmit Herpes B and potentially rabies, so I am a little scared of them now.
Call me wind because I am abutesolly blown away.