During the cold blustery winter, I dreamed of spending the summer soaking up the sun beside a pool and reading a good book. So one of the first things we did in Arizona was to get a season pass to the pool. We have spent many days at the aquatic center. Summer the fish, seems more comfortable in the water than out of it. She has also had fun teaching Luie how to swim. He has improved quickly with her coaching. When he wanted to jump off the diving board, the lifeguard said he needed to take a swim test. The test was swimming across the pool in the swim lane. So he went over jumped in and swam freestyle to the other side. Then he swam breast stroke back across the pool. I was completely surprised. I didn’t even know he could do the breast stoke. Summer said she had just taught him that day. After that, he went to the diving board and jumped in! I wish I had a picture of it, but I dont.
Luie was disappointed that he wasn’t tall enough to go down the slide.
Summer doing and hand stand in 7 ft deep water.
Luie decided to take a self snapshot. I thought it was so cute I had to include it. Thumb and all.

what amazing photography!
Thanks Susan. The bright sun helps the underwater pictures turn out.
Boy this page made the kids scream with ooohs and aahs. Lucy literally screamed at the picture of Summer standing on her hands. Isaac is very impressed with Luie. 🙂 Great job swimming!